Why Choose Us?

  • Networks.

    All of our agents have strong nationwide relationships with many stock firms, meat processors and trucking companies around the country to ensure we are getting the first opportunities on quality stock at fair prices. Dyer Livestock along with five other motivated independent stock companies have joined forces to form a transparent line of honest business in the form of StockNZ.

  • Planning, Advisory & Budgeting.

    Ross or any one of his agents can help our clients make sound decisions around stock planning, advisory or budgeting. Our agents have good practical knowledge of farming systems from being involved with many farmers and relating to how and what they do to achieve optimum returns.

  • Reports, Information & Transparency.

    As a client of WR Dyer Livestock, you are supplied with a weekly information document written by Ross Dyer. The information contained within this document gives you a global and local snapshot of where the livestock industry is at, aiding you in making better decisions for your business.

  • Finance.

    The finance division, RDL Finance, has been established to provide funds in a quick and simple process to secure opportunities when they arise. With a program to support the purchase and sale in achieving best profits. For more information visit the website.

  • Stock Valuations.

    For end of year book keeping or stock audits, farm sales or purchases, valuations are a necessity from time to time. If you require this service, please do not hesitate in contacting us.

  • NAIT Scanning & Transportation.

    All of our agents carry RFID scanners if selling store stock cattle where you require assistance with NAIT transfers. Relationships with an extensive network of transport companies means we can ensure the most cost effective, efficient options.

  • Store Stock.

    With a very strong network of clients spread throughout the country, plus a large catchment of 187 livestock agents. We pride ourselves in supplying and selling your livestock readily. Drafted, quoted to specification with a guarantee attached. We go to great lengths and distance to supply what you require.

  • Fat Stock.

    At Dyer livestock we work closely with a large number of meat processing companies in order to achieve optimum returns for our clients. Our agents maintain regular contact with clients so they can move prime stock at the right time to maximise returns.

  • Fast Efficient Service.

    The rapidly changing livestock industry creates opportunities. Being intrenched within the game 24/7 we are at the cold face to move quickly and take advantage of marketing your stock, or procuring to maximise the best margins in selling or securing stock at the right moment. You farm, while we chase the markets!

Any questions?